I'm Sofia Noemi Crobeddu
Data Scientist and Statistician

MSc student in Data Science at Sapienza University
I am determined to use statistic and data science’s tools to analyse and reduce social inequalities, and to monitor climate change phenomena. My goal is to leverage AI-based solutions to tackle social issues having a positive impact in the world.
Click on the images for the projects' links on GitHub.

Project about IoT Agriculture for a Multiclass classification problem. Application of Bayesian statistics models and MCMC simulations, through JAGS in R. Diagnostic and frequentist comparison.

Project about Anomaly detection. Implementation of the Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) autoencoder model on a dataset of drinking water quality.

Bachelor's thesis: An analysis on poverty in Italy in 2020. Big data, Official statistics, Economic and social indices, Factor Analysis, Linear regression model, R.

Project for sustainability of Colombia’s agriculture and Water Stress Level. Application of Trend and Status assessment, Neural Network with Keras (tentative), JAGS model (tentative), Extrapolation approach.

Group project: database for medical drugs and products in order to learn MongoDB and extracting information through queries from non-relational database systems (NoSQL, Java-like-language).

Group project: database for medical drugs and products in order to learn or reinforce SQL + querying relational databases and their optimization.